Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sky Diving Boots

A brief search revealed a small cave in a cliffside, perfect for stashing his gear. As he dragged the last of the ballistic crates holding his goodies there, LJ sensed that he was not alone. Hairs on the back of his neck seemed to rise and his balls moved from his sack, up inside his abdomen for safety (automatic ball retraction was the term that physicians coined during Johnny's initial psych screen when he was awarded his choice of duty in black ops, a trait that no physician had seen before, or has yet to see again). LJ's overall mission was kept from him in the event of capture and interrogation, he was on a 'need to know' basis, with each task being revealed at the right time to protect the mission. Even LJ's location was unknown to him. The flight-crew aboard the C130 was obviously privy to that intel, but Johnny had been ordered to torch the bird, right after dust-off. His only instructions were to drop in and meet a female contact who would brief him. LJ had been warned that his contact was not someone to be trifled with, a beautiful but deadly assassin, hailing from the Eastern Block, named 'Ivanna Sukyoff'. After learning his next orders, LJ had the authority to use her as the mission demanded, or dispatch her right away. Johnny thought for a moment, is it a pack of ravening, blood thirsty natives that has stumbled onto my scent, or could it be his contact on his trail. No matter, he thought, either way I better get my shit together. Johnny removed his knee-high skydiving boots, which were fashioned from 100% chicken-hawk feathers by an old comanche friend, and quickly dawned a pair of custom made assault boots by Kangaroos, with #34 embroidered on the ankle leather. Little Johnny pulled the laces tight and secured them with a Norwegian Hell-Knot, then kissed his
fingers and held them to the sky for beloved sweetness. Opting for stealth, LJ reached into a crate and clutched a 6 foot tall Roman era recurve bow. With a quiver of arrows slung around his back, LJ located a good position to defend his perimeter. JC

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