Monday, March 22, 2010


Johnny slowly began to regain conciseness and quickly discovered his eyer were swollen shut. The smell of decaying raw meat and the moans of young women were all around him. Johnny tugged on the hemp ropes that secured him to what felt like a balance beam. The walk with Hawk through the jungle felt like it took place years ago. Johnny felt cold and covered in something sticky, his own blood perhaps. The shrieks of a creature almost not human echoed throughout his holding area and sounded as if they were getting closer. An overwhelming feeling came over LJ. The same feeling he felt when trapped under 3 feet of ice. This was not the feeling of death! Johnny welcomed death, but it had to be on his terms. Tied down in a unknown location was not his way to go! Not a man who had fought in over 800 engagements and had killed thousands with his bear hands. Many things were running through LJ's head now... had he lost his touch? Was it time to retire? What would he do with his life if he didn't have this? Without the chase he felt he would not care to go on. Living a normal life, to Johnny, felt like dying. The smell of rotten flesh became stronger... The screeching louder... now the sound of footprints. "My god this is it" Johnny uttered to himself...DT

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