Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ivana Sukyoff

LJ rolled a smoke while he watched the bird men pick at the corn. Johnny felt as though this was a trap, but played along for the purposes of gathering information. Hawk put his feathery arm around Johnny and lead him away from the others. "look here Johnny, there is not much I can tell you at this point, but what I can tell you could be hard to believe!" Johnny waited for the BS he was about to receive while Hawk eyed a worm on the ground. Hawk told Johnny about a woman he had tied up in his huge nest. The woman would not tell her name! All the woman would tell them is Ivanna Sukyoff. Hawk had her beaten with a whip, but it only made her aroused. All she would say is Ivanna Sukyoff! Johnny gave Hawk a few handfuls of corn and asked him to lead him to this mysterious woman. DT

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