Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Nest

LJ followed warily as Hawk picked their way toward the nesting area. "Where have you been all this time?, Johnny quarried as he kept a keen eye on his old friend, "I haven't seen you since Burma." "I remember, said Hawk, but I've come a long way since our GI Joe days, I've got my own gig now." -After the elite special forces group 'GI Joe' was disbanded by congress in 2005, dissident aggression mounted among its ranks. With no task at hand, no obstacle to overcome, and ridiculed by special forces around the globe, many Joes found themselves lost in a world that didn't need them anymore. The allure of defecting to Cobra, or other sinister organizations was tantalizing, even to the most dedicated personnel on the squads roster.- "What do you mean?" said Johnny, he noticed they were close to the nesting grounds from all the bird shit. "I'm part of something now, said Hawk, my bird-men and I are connected to something bigger. We've just made a deal which assures our refuge and security on this island for decades to come." "What deal, Johnny asked, and with who?" Johnny could see Hawks giant nest now, tucked into an outcropping in a small cliff-face. "Does the colonel know you're here?" Johnny said. Pissed off now, LJ was on the verge of whipping out a Remington Wing-Master, pump action 12 gage when....... JC

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