Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Aunty Pearle

Through the trees Johnny heard the second most blood curdling scream he had ever heard.

(Flashing back to his childhood LJ recalled the first time he heard a scream this terrifying)

He seemed to remember it was a big day for Aunty Pearle, she was in charge of the ladies auxiliary bake sale for the city of Sarasota. As She left young Johnny in the care of his twin sixteen year old cousins Tina and Jina, He could still feel her kissing him on the forehead and saying "Now you take your bath like a big boy & put on those new jammies I picked up for you, I'll be home later and we'll watch a little tv before bedtime". He could hear the sound of running water in the bathroom over the chatty, and giggling squeals of the girls preparing his bath. He remembered feeling his eye start to twitch, to this day the sound of females squawking still makes his left eye shutter. "Time for your bath John", yelled Tina or Jina, it didn't matter which one now, LJ hated being called John, his eye now began to twitch uncontrollably. Placing the "sold out" sign on the muffin table Aunty Pearle leaves St. Augustine's church. Do to the 6 o'clock muffin rush Aunty would be able to be home in time for her favorite show, Mama's Family, she was excited to say the least. She quickened her pace a little as she thought about LJ and the girls waiting for her at home. She would still have time to make sure the girls had finished their homework. She was hard on the girls, but ever since their parents OD'd on Smack when they were 10 she had been committed to their well being. This commitment to education was paying off as the girls had just been the youngest twins ever accepted into Harvard law. Not to mention the only twins to share Olympic gold medals in gymnastics from the 84' and 88' summer games.
Aunty got a strange feeling as she rounded the corner and started towards the house. A feeling she couldn't quite put her finger on but one she had felt before. As she walked into the house she heard the pitter patter of Johnnies feet across the hardwood floor upstairs. "Where is everybody", she hollered out. She again heard the shuffling of feet as she made her way up the stair well. As she reached the top stair, she saw Johnny standing at the end of the hall in his new Transformer jammies. Aunty Pearle asked Johnny, "Where are the Girls"? To which he responded. "They made me do it" and he pointed towards the den. Pearle made her way to the den and asked "made you do what Johnny"? "Cousin Huggin" responded Johnny. "Cousin Huggin?...What on earth is Cousin Huggin"? She mumbled as she rounded the corner, she looked into the den and that’s when it happened.
After the scream Johnny didn't remember much, just the sound of sirens and the face of the pastor as he told him "everything will be fine little man". Then the sound of the car door slamming shut.

Side note: To this day it's still illegal to hug your cousin or say cousin huggin in Sarasota Florida.

At that moment LJ snapped out of his trans like state, and just in time. As he looked skyward he focused in on the female on a vine streaking towards him. As he stared in amazement, the naked woman released herself from the vine, flipping and twisting through the air all while screaming obscenities at him. Before he knew it she had wrapped her legs around his throat taking him to the ground and was quickly choking him out. Gasping for air all Johnny could do was say, "For hells sakes Tina, we're only cousins through marriage, how's Jina"?...He then blacked out. EP

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