Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Eat Your Meat

Johnny reflected back to his mum telling him to always eat his meat.
She would always say "Johnny how can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?" These words haunted him and filled his head as threw a match on his parents gas soaked bodies. Smells like meat is cooking now Johnny pondered as he ate his pudding and watched their skin bubble and pop. Years later Johnny heard the same words from the mouth of a foster parent. Johnny sliced off a piece of his own arm and said "now am I good boy?" as he chomped down on his own flesh. Today however Johnny felt grateful he ate his meat because the giant feathers on his arms were challenging every ounce of strength as he flapped away trying to gain altitude. Johnny flew around the island and tried to make sense of the nest, Hawk and all of that bird shit. Why Tina and Jina? Why? Why? Why? Then it hit him.... Johnny spent several years on a state run turkey farm as a teenager and learned quickly of the explosive power of turkey shit if used properly. Johnny pictured the destruction of the Oklahoma City bombing and pondered the explosive power of a truck full of fertilizer. Johnny started to do rough calculations on the tonnage of bird shit in the nest and quickly realized the magnitude of the situation. Damn he thought, is it that simple? Are they going to make a bomb or is it even more sinister he pondered as he hovered over a large tree looking for a place to land. DT

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