Thursday, April 8, 2010

Johnny the Gymnast

Johnny expertly performs 3 back handsprings across the balance beam then dismounts with a triple back flip and full twist. This causes his cousins to stand and hold up scores of 7.5 showing their displeasure with LJ's gymnastic ability. Landing balls deep in bird shit LJ was stuck to the nest floor, but this was the least of his problems. Johnny was weaponless and at this point had a gaggle of bird men making their way towards him. Marching in the classic V formation the birdmen came quickly at him. Johnny scans the nest for some sort of weapon, he notices the scores the girls have posted, 7.5? 7.5? That was a perfect 10 if I ever saw one, Johnny thought to himself. This would be all of the motivation he needed...7.5 my ass he thought as he summons all of the strength he could muster and sprang from the sticky thigh high goo. Grasping the roof of the cave, Johnny reached down grabbing the first birdman and with a quick twist removed its head. The headless creature ran crazily about, causing the remainder of the assailants to break formation and scatter throughout the nest. Hawk seeing what was happening and knowing the carnage Johnny could inflict stopped feeding the youngins' and ran towards Johnny waving his hands frantically in the air pleading with Johnny to stand down. Johnny was now systematically removing the heads of the remaining birdmen, as Hawk approached, Johnny smashed him across the face with a severed head. Knocking Hawk unconscious, he fell motionless face first into the rancid glop on the floor. Watching intently the twins in the corner cackled loudly, high fived each other then continued knitting. LJ cautiously kept his eye on the girls as he removed the wings from the back of a dead birdman and tied them to his arms. He knew it was pointless to try and extract any info from the twins, they would never help considering the past.

Johnny needed help if he was going to figure out where he was, why Hawk and his cousins were working together and how this all fit into his mission. As he leapt from the mouth of the cave he flung his arms to his side, caught a warm updraft and disappeared into the most jungle air.

Hawk awakes to the sound of Tina and Jina arguing back and forth with each other about whether or not they were too generous in their scoring of Johnnies dismount. As he scrambles to his feet, and looks around the nest at the carnage that lay before him Hawk yells to them, "Where the hell is he"? The girls simultaneously point to the caves opening and say "you better make the call we didn't dare". "Well make yourself useful and clean up this mess", He says as he makes his way to the payphone on the wall. Hawk picks up the receiver and tells the operator "collect call to the Ganja now"!!!!

Aboard the Ganja, Captain Higgins feeding his pot bellied pig Queen Tasty Cakes, is startled to hear the sound of his newly installed Krusty the Clown Emergency Phone Line, HEY HEY, HEY HEY, HEY HEY. He picks up the receiver, and presses the Easy button to notify Magnum & TC of the incoming call. EP

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