Monday, April 19, 2010

The Game's on

The air was thick with tension, on the wind Johnny detected the musky odor of a menstruating yak as Ivana slowly rose from her haunches. Looking into Johnnies eye's Ivana could tell he wasn't someone she could easily manipulate. Johnny on the other hand, realized Ivana could easily be coaxed into doing his bidding using certain techniques. He quickly raised his open hand across his body as if he was going to backhand the tramp in front of him. As he stopped his hand millimeters from Ivanas face, he slowly ran his hand across her swollen bruised cheek caused by his pistol whipping. Ivana shivered from her toes to her head, as a tear slowly began to well up in her eye. "What are you going to do with me" she said as her voice cracked with fear and anticipation. Wiping away a tear as it flowed off her cheek he tells Ivana "there's nothing to worry about beautiful, get busy cleaning up the mess you've made, tidy up the rest of the cave and make me some supper". He knows this woman, even though he just met her, he recognizes there's work to do if he's going to extract intel from her twisted feeble mind.

Having been briefed on LJ prior to her mission, Ivana knew LJ wasn't fooling around and she should do as he says if she was going to survive.
She dons an apron, grabs a can of pledge and a swifter and proceeds to straighten things up around the cave. Working quickly, she finishes removing items from the crates arranging them neatly throughout the cave. Johnny, keeping his eye on her, sits in his favorite chair watching the football game, pecker in one hand, beer in the other. Humming an old Russian folk tune & dancing the Troika, Ivana gets busy on some grub. Using the Coleman propane stove and a few of the MRE's she found in one of the crates, Ivana whips up her famous shepherd's pie for Johnny. She rarely gets to be the homemaker she's always dreamed of. Thoughts of settling down for good start racing through her mind. No more late nights at the clubs. No more meaningless sex with random guy's and girls. No more blowjobs, strap-on's and anal sex. Her mind wanders...thoughts of children....maybe I'll finally have some children she thinks.

"Come & get it", Ivana happily says to Johnny while spooning the delicious looking creation onto a plate. "Bring me another beer, the games gone into overtime" Johnny replies back. Ivana, frustrated, retrieves a beer and delivers it to him with a scowl. LJ seeing he's now under her skin realizes he just needs to tighten the screws a little more and she'll crack. "Why don't you go grab dinner bring it over here, and watch the rest of the game with me" Johnny says as he gives her a little spank on the ass.

Knowing he has to appease her in order to retrieve the information as to his whereabouts and objective, Johnny strikes up a conversation during the coin toss. "So, what you doing in these parts? "It would seem a sophisticated girl like you would be more comfortable in the big city". Ivana hands him the plate of food, "You'd be surprised at what a girl like me is comfortable with". Trying to seem interested in what she's saying, Johnny pukes a little in his mouth. Small talk with a woman was never his strong suit. As she babbles on about her likes and dislikes, needs and wants, Johnny has to steel his nerves all he can think about is cutting the tongue out of her head.

How am I going to get through this he thinks,...thank god the games back on.... EP

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